Rumahza | Property Platform

Rumahza | Property Platform

Rumahza | Property Platform is your gateway to the world of dreams. Discover the finest homes, apartments, and lands tailored to your needs. With a comprehensive selection and reliable buying and selling guidance, Rumahza becomes the ideal partner in your journey to find your dream property.

The tech stack utilized includes React, Next JS, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, and PostgreSQL/Supabase as the database. Leveraging these advanced technologies, Rumahza delivers a responsive and intuitive user experience, making it easy for you to explore and select properties that match your desires and requirements.

Whether you're looking for a home to live in, investing in an apartment, or securing land for a future project, Rumahza provides a comprehensive and trustworthy platform. Explore your world of properties with Rumahza, and find the place you call "home."


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Superingan is a Blogger template designed with simplicity and functionality in mind, offering a clean and user-friendly platform for professional websites. This theme is perfect for various website types, including personal blogs, online magazines, news websites, and portfolios. Features: Responsive Design: Your website will look its best across all devices, from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones. Customizable Colors: Easily change the template's colors to match your branding or preferences. Custom Headers: Upload your own header image to add a personal touch to your website. Custom Menus: Create and manage your website's navigation menus with ease. Widget Areas: Add widgets to display additional content and features on your website's sidebar. Clean HTML & CSS Code: The template is built with clean and well-structured code, making it easy to learn and customize further. Superingan is an ideal choice for those seeking a professional website with a sim...

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