My Personal Website Project

In the digital landscape, a personal website is not just a virtual space—it's a canvas where one showcases their skills, experiences, and passion. My journey in crafting my own digital haven has been a thrilling blend of creativity, learning, and a commitment to providing valuable services. Let's embark on a tour of my personal website project and discover the essence of its design and purpose.

A Home in the Mountains

Upon landing on my website, you're greeted by a captivating illustration—a house nestled amidst mountains. This visual not only reflects my love for living in a village surrounded by nature but also sets the tone for a personalized and unique online experience.


Unveiling the Artisan Behind the Code

Moving on to the "About Me" section, visitors are welcomed to learn more about the person behind the code. "I'm a web and application developer based in Garut, Indonesia. I help you identify, explore, and respond to new opportunities." 

Under the subheading "Web Development," the narrative delves deeper, revealing a specialization in crafting beautiful, high-quality marketing pages. The commitment to excellence is apparent, with the acknowledgment that "the rest of the website will be a shell that uses lorem ipsum everywhere."

Transitioning to "Application Development," the spotlight is on expertise with the latest app frameworks—React, Typescript, and PostgreSQL. It's not just a profession; it's a skill set that transforms concepts into tangible, functional realities.


A Showcase of Digital Artistry

In the "Featured Projects" section, I present a curated selection of recent endeavors. This isn't just a portfolio; it's a visual journey into the diversity and depth of my work. For those hungry for more, a direct link invites exploration of the complete project gallery.


Let's Build Something Remarkable Together

In the "I'm currently available for freelance work" segment, the Call-to-Action (CTA) beckons. Whether you have a project ready to kick off, require assistance, or simply want to connect, this is the gateway to collaboration. The invitation is clear: let's embark on a journey of innovation and achievement together.

CTA and Footer

Navigating Beyond the Horizon

The journey concludes with the footer, providing links to my GitHub and LinkedIn profiles. These platforms extend the conversation beyond the website, offering a deeper dive into my work and professional network. The journey is copyright protected, a reminder that every pixel and line of code is a crafted expression, safeguarded by creative ownership.

As the pages unfold, my personal website beckons—a digital sanctuary where technology meets creativity, and every click tells a story.


Postingan Populer


Superingan is a Blogger template designed with simplicity and functionality in mind, offering a clean and user-friendly platform for professional websites. This theme is perfect for various website types, including personal blogs, online magazines, news websites, and portfolios. Features: Responsive Design: Your website will look its best across all devices, from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones. Customizable Colors: Easily change the template's colors to match your branding or preferences. Custom Headers: Upload your own header image to add a personal touch to your website. Custom Menus: Create and manage your website's navigation menus with ease. Widget Areas: Add widgets to display additional content and features on your website's sidebar. Clean HTML & CSS Code: The template is built with clean and well-structured code, making it easy to learn and customize further. Superingan is an ideal choice for those seeking a professional website with a sim...

Halo teman-teman! Kali ini, kita akan belajar bagaimana membuat website multi-halaman . Kalau sebelumnya kita hanya membuat satu halaman HTML saja, sekarang kita akan menambahkan halaman lain, seperti halaman "About" dan "Contact". Yuk, kita mulai! Apa Itu Website Multi-Halaman? Website multi-halaman adalah situs yang memiliki lebih dari satu file HTML. Contohnya: Halaman utama: index.html Halaman tentang: about.html Halaman kontak: contact.html Semua file ini disimpan dalam satu Project folder . Folder ini juga bisa berisi gambar, file CSS, atau file lainnya yang mendukung website. Cara Menautkan Halaman dengan Anchor Tag Untuk berpindah antar halaman, kita menggunakan anchor tag ( <a> ). Contoh: <a href="./about.html">Tentang Kami</a> Kode di atas akan membuat link yang mengarahkan pengguna ke file about.html . Catatan: ./ : Artinya file ada di folder yang sama dengan index.html . Kalau file ada di folder lain, gunak...

Halo, Teman-Teman! Kali ini kita akan belajar tentang 3 cara menambahkan CSS ke HTML . CSS adalah cara terbaik untuk membuat website tampak menarik dengan warna, tata letak, dan font yang keren. Yuk, kita bahas cara menambahkannya ke dalam HTML! Apa Itu CSS? CSS adalah singkatan dari Cascading Style Sheets , yang digunakan untuk mengatur tampilan website seperti warna, tata letak, dan animasi. Dengan CSS, kita bisa memisahkan desain dari konten HTML, sehingga kode menjadi lebih rapi dan mudah dikelola. Ada 3 cara utama untuk menambahkan CSS ke HTML: Inline CSS Internal CSS External CSS Setiap cara memiliki kegunaan yang berbeda. Berikut adalah penjelasan lengkapnya. 1. Inline CSS Apa itu Inline CSS? Inline CSS berarti menambahkan gaya langsung di elemen HTML menggunakan atribut style . Ini cocok untuk perubahan cepat pada satu elemen saja. Contoh: <h1 style="color: blue;">Halo, teman-teman!</h1> Kelebihan: Mudah digunakan untuk mengubah eleme...