Best Video Editor for Android

Free Video Editor

Here is the best video editor for Android from the editor to make music videos to motion graphic editors.

5. Zoetropic (Free) - Photo in Motion

With Zoetropic you give life to your photos, applying a fantastic motion picture effect, and also known as the Cinemagraph effect.

4. FilmoraGo - Free Video Editor

A pretty powerful video editor application, which will not stamp a watermark or place a time limit on your clip. With FilmoraGo, making video with music and effects, FilmoraGo helps you make funny videos and relive your memories anywhere. And your amazing video could be easily shared to your friends on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsAPP .ect

3. Triller - Social Video Platform

Triller is an entertainment platform built for creators. A social video community where you can show the world who you are by capturing flawless videos and sharing them in seconds. Express yourself and connect with the content you love. Create amazing music videos for trending challenges such as the Drake #InMyFeelings challenge and many more.

2. VUE - Video Editor and Camcorder

VUE is a video camera and video editor empowering users to capture art videos, edit them through adding filters, stickers or montage. VUE video editor is also perfect for making selfies because of its Cosmetic effect when transferred to the front camera.

1. InShot - Video Editor and Photo Editor

Best free HD Video Editor and Video Maker with blur background and no crop, adding music and video effects. InShot helps you create video with ease, edit video for YouTube, Instagram, IGTV, Facebook, Messenger,, Tik Tok, Twitter etc.


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